DBRE - DataBase REplicator

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DBRE - is a system for asynchronous point-in-time databases replication. In addition, it can be used for a single transfusion of data between the DBMS
DBRE now supports Firebird and Mysql RDBMS. In future it will be supported PostgreSQL. But any other database can be included to supporting with polymorhic mechanism.
DBRE unloads and loads the data through a binary file format lre (Local REplicator format). Besides, DBRE can replicate data from one database to another directly.
System can mark unloading data in source database for minimize exchange traffic and can unloading deleted records (who marked by a trigger).


01/21/2011 - 0.21.4 released
Making many bugfixes

06/11/2010 - 0.21 released
1. Changed build system to autoconf
2. Fixed build in windows

06/07/2010 - 0.20 released
1. Simplifying and clean code

03/02/2009 - 0.19.1 released
1. Some rafactorings in Df, Params and Replicator

02/22/2009 - 0.19 released
1. DBRE now supports mysql
2. Improved implementation of the production of abstract classes Db, Tr and Query

Installation guide
User manual
Developer manual
SVN svn co https://dbre.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dbre dbre
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